Attention: Video Marketers

"REVEALED: How We're Legally Stealing Other People's Video Traffic To Earn Affiliate Commissions In 24 Hours Or Less..."

...WITHOUT Having To Rank Videos, Use Paid Ads or Even Make A Video!

get early bird access

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Here’s Just Some Of The Traffic
We’re Able To Generate From Our Software

And Here’s The Kind Of Income We’re Able To Generate Once We Hijack This Traffic

These are REAL proof screen shots of the results we’ve been be able to achieve using the exact software and strategy I’m gonna share with you today. Keep reading…

While I can’t ethically promise you’ll experience the same results, what I can do is tell you how I was able to achieve them, so that you can copy my process. If you do, there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to replicate the same success for yourself.

Honestly, you have to be able to do just 2 things:

Follow simple instructions

Take action with what you discover


From the desk of
Joshua Zamora and Paul Venables

Hey there fellow entrepreneur,

My name is Paul Venables, a fellow marketer like you and I’ve successfully been making gobs of money marketing online using video since 2011.

The screen shots I’ve posted above are real. I didn’t post them to brag, but to show you the potential possibilities you have available to pursue for yourself, as well.

If you want to learn one of the easiest methods I’ve ever discovered to get highly targeted traffic to your links and offers in 24 hours or less without doing any of the following tedious stuff (which I’m sure you hate):

  • Not having to create any videos yourself (they’re already done)
  • No worrying about video ranking (they’re already getting targeted traffic which you’re going to ethically steal)
  • You won’t have to do any SEO (all SEO has been done for you)
  • No Need to even have your own YouTube Channel
  • No JV Partners needed (no webinars or anything like that)
  • No designing your own websites or social media pages (again, it’s already done)
  • No product launch planning (this happens WAAAAYYY faster)
  • Nothing to outsource (no need need for Fiverr or Elance)

Conceptually, this is a simple strategy to employ, but thankfully it’s not easy for just anyone to pull off.

Keep reading if you want to find out how to be among the few insiders to learn this unique strategy and discover the “secret sauce” that I’d be willing to bet you’ve never thought of and even fewer will EVER do.

Use This To Get Traffic For
Anything You're Doing Online


This is perfect for you if you are doing any kind of online marketing, period.

It’s Not Only Frustrating... It SUCKS!

You already know video marketing is probably the most powerful online marketing method you can use online, right?

You already know videos have got tons of SEO and social media benefits inherently baked right in. You’ve seen all the software that can blast your videos to 1,001 different video sites.

I know you understand that social signals are some of the most powerful ranking factors that you simply CAN NOT ignore if you care at all about getting found through search  (YouTube even incorporates social share buttons right on every video to make it easy for you to share, fast).

You “get” how to optimize the channels, descriptions, tags and how to include the url’s inside of them strategically to get traffic, already, right?

Ok, so the MOST FRUSTRATING problem that keeps people like you from ever making any money with all these other software tools, though, is… The DAMN SETUP!

You don’t want to sit there spending hours learning how to create videos, right? You don’t want to spend time, money and effort looking to outsource that stuff, either. Then you fumble around trying to figure out how to get those videos distributed.

Next, you wait. Waiting, hoping and praying forever before you start seeing any signs of possible traffic.

Your Fears Are Completely Understandable

You don’t want to potentially waste money on paid traffic to your videos without knowing if you’ll ever see a return on investment, right?

What if you spend money on getting paid traffic, but it turns out it wasn’t very targeted? That would be such an unfortunate waste of time and effort.

What if there was an easier and faster way? ... An easier and faster way to get FREE, targeted, BUYER traffic...

What if you, instead, step right into a highly targeted stream of dialed in traffic? Traffic that’s absolutely perfect for getting pre-qualified eyeballs that are ready to  buy your offers.

How can you possibly make that happen, like NOW?

The NEW Way To Get
FREE Targeted Traffic is HERE

So at this point, you may be wondering “Paul, how in the world are you getting targeted traffic from YouTube WITHOUT having to rank videos, pay for video ads or even make a video?”

Great question! Are you ready to be blown away? Ok here it is…

The overall strategy behind VTG consists of us finding videos that people uploaded to YouTube and completely forgot about. But the real trick comes in when we find videos that people uploaded, added a link to their site in the description area AND then completely forgot about.

This is where our money is made because more times then not:

  • These videos are still getting a ton of traffic
  • And the owner of the video never renewed the registration for the domain.

That means you can easily pick up the domain name for less than $10, and redirect the traffic ANYWHERE you want!! In a very short period of time, we AND our students have been able to find dozens upon dozens of videos that are still getting thousands of visitors per day - and now you can too!

Talk about a genius strategy, right? And here is where our software makes things even easier for you...

Video Traffic Genie automatically finds videos in any niche that are getting tons of traffic that you can steal. All you have to do is input your target keyword and VTG will populate all of the best videos for you to get traffic and sales from. That means you can start finding hugely profitable videos just a few minutes after downloading VTG!

Watch This Short Demo Video
To See The True Power of VTG in Action

Frankly, This Should Piss You Off

Up until right now… This very instance that you started reading the words on this page… There is nothing and NO ONE else teaching you what I’m going to grant you access to.

Everyone else wants you to think you need to create and rank videos. Or, that you have to pay to get traffic to your videos. (don’t get me wrong those things do work, but we’ve got something rarely anyone is using right now)

There are tons of gurus that want you to believe you have to do a lot of prep work before you can reap the benefits and rewards of getting traffic.

Well...they’re not telling you the truth. I won’t say they’re lying to you because the fact of the matter is… No one else really knows about this strategy.

It’s a kind of backdoor system I’ve perfected and have personally profited from for about the last 3 years.

I’ve only shared it with few select private students, who were all beta testers of my simple yet powerful system. Since they were able to replicate my success & now that I’ve perfected the system, I’m ready to share it with you.


Video Traffic Genie

Video Traffic Genie is our brand new software that allows you to legally steal other people’s video traffic and generate affiliate commissions in 24 hours or less.

We’ve been able to break it down into a simple 4-step process:

That’s it! Getting traffic and earning passive commissions has never been so easy.

  • You don’t need to create videos
  • You don’t need to rank videos
  • You don’t need to pay for videos ads
  • Heck, you don’t even need your own YouTube Channel

Just follow the 4-steps above and you’ll be able to start getting targeted traffic at ANY time in ANY niche you’d like.

Sound Unbelievable?

Here’s The Kind of Traffic Our Students
Have Been Able To Get With Video Traffic Genie

Here Are Some Of The Powerful
Features Packed Into Video Traffic Genie

Market-ResearchUnlimited Keyword and Niche Research
Here you’ll be able to search and find an unlimited amount of keywords, niches and videos that you can hijack.

Screenshot 2016-04-18 15.15.57Push-Button Domain Checker
We didn’t want you to have to leave our app for anything, so we built a domain checker right inside the app. With the push of just ONE button, you’ll instantly know if a domain is available to hijack or not.

Video-MarketingFully Control The Age of the Videos You Want Delivered To You
Here you’ll be able to search for videos based on when they were uploaded. Most people purchased domains for only a year, so just imagine how many more videos you can find when you go deeper into older videos!

Screenshot 2016-04-18 15.31.22Sort By Relevance or by Views
This will let you get even more targeted on the videos you want VTG to deliver to you. You’ll be able to control whether you want videos based on relevance or based on number of views.

newAdd Or Remove Domains To Skip From The Results
The last thing you want is to have VTG display domains that you’ve already hijacked or domains that are not yet available. Here you’ll be able to add or remove domains from the search results to ensure you’re ALWAYS getting unique videos you can hijack.

line-icon21Unlimited In-App Domain Purchases
As mentioned before, we didn’t want you to have to leave VTG to do anything, unless you really want to. We built our in-app domain purchaser to make it easy to quickly snatch up those winning domains.

download11Ability to Export data in CSV and Text Files
We understand that we will have some power users who prefer to sort through their pot of gold locally. This feature is for you. Here you’ll be able to download any and all results to your local computer and sort through all the data quickly and easily.

FB-Group-150x150Access To Private Facebook Group
As part of your purchase today, you’ll also be getting access to our Private Facebook Group of fellow genies who are out there crushing it with our software. All of the student testimonials you saw above, came from our private Facebook Group.  We’re all there waiting to help you succeed.

Screenshot 2016-04-18 15.34.30And much much more!
We have a ton of other amazing features, plus A LOT more to come!

Here Are Some Software Screenshots

Unlimited Keyword and Niche Research

Video And Domain Analyzer

Advanced Filter and Results Settings

Add Or Remove Domains

Video Syndication For Even More Traffic (Part of the OTO)

Inside of  the members area, you’ll also be getting a step-by-step video walk through of the VTG system.

We’ve got 7 modules of video training, so you’ll know exactly how to get maximum results with our software. That doesn’t even include the video tutorials to show you exactly how the VTG software works.

You'll Also Be Getting In Depth Video Training PLUS some LIVE Case Studies:

With your purchase of VTG you'll also be getting 7 video modules, which you can quickly get through in one sitting, and be up and running right after you’re done. These videos will show you exactly how to use the software, how the VTG method works AND some amazing, over-the-shoulder case studies.

Who doesn't love case studies, right?


This is a quick intro about me, my marketing back story and will allow me to share with you why I’m qualified to teach you this stuff.

The Video Traffic Genie Method

Here, I’ll quickly explain the overall concept behind this strategy to you, I’ll tell you how it works, why it works and why it’s the perfect opportunity for you.

Case Study 1

In this first case study module you’ll get 2 videos which break down a real world example of exactly how you do this with a real viable buyer keyword that’s getting searches, and traffic and it’s also a possible opportunity you may want to pursue.

Case Study 2

Here we dig a little deeper as I walk you through ANOTHER buyer keyword case study that you can instantly start getting traffic for.

Feel free to either steal or reapply the concept to any one of thousands of potentially lucrative money keywords for yourself.

Case Study 3

In this module I’ll show you some potential pitfalls you’ll want to be aware of and how to avoid using yet another money keyword that’s got tons of buyer traffic already built in.

I’ll show you a sticking point that I’m sure you might get tripped up by and exactly what you need to do to blast through this minor hurdle, which I’m sure will trip up others, which is good for you because another person’s problems will become your opportunity.

I’ll teach you how inside.

How to Optimize the VTG Method

This is probably something you might already know how to do, but I want to make sure you’re not missing anything!

There might even be a few golden nugget ninja techniques that you may not have considered, but once you see how easily it’s done, you’ll have a powerful new way to get avalanches of unlimited targeted traffic, sometimes for as little as $1.00.


Here we wrap everything up, recap and summarize everything you’ve discovered in the last 6 modules.

I want to make certain you don’t miss any of the key takeaways from each module, so we’ll wrap it all up and put on a bow so you can immediately implement what you’ve learned. I want you to be able to quickly go out and take action to start seeing results TODAY!

So, now the next obvious question you have is….

How Much Is All This Going To Cost?

Alright, before I get to that, let me ask you something. What do you suppose it’s worth to you to discover how to get near instantaneous and HIGHLY TARGETED traffic to any offer you want within 24 hours or less?

What sort of big pay days do you think you can score with the right offer to the perfect pre-qualified and eager to buy audience? don’t even need to create the videos. In fact, you don’t need to even own the channels.

They’re ALREADY there. They’re ALREADY getting targeted traffic. And...they’re waiting for you to send traffic wherever you want.

30 Day Guarantee And My Promise To You

I tell you what.

If you’re interested in getting highly targeted, buyer keyword traffic using videos you didn’t make, and for products you didn’t create (perfect for affiliate offers) give our software a try.

Check out the members area, download our software and go through everything at your leisure.

You’ll download and learn everything you’ll need to be successful in just one sitting.

Even if you don’t have much time to spare, you have a long and leisurely 30 days to slowly go through everything at your own comfortable pace.

If you don’t think it’s one of the most sophisticated yet simple software you’ve ever seen for getting instant targeted traffic then simply send in an email request and I’ll gladly and promptly refund your small investment.

So, you really have nothing to lose. No risk... ALL REWARD! I have just eliminated whatever excuse you might have thought you had to not give this a try. This is literally a “no brainer” offer.

And If That Ain’t Enough...

If the guarantee isn’t enough, then let me sweeten this offer just a bit more for you.

15 of the Hottest Niches of 2016!

This is the perfect complimentary guide to this software because once you know what these markets are, and see the potential for yourself, you’ll instantly realize this could be the last job killing income strategy you’ll ever need to utilize (at least for 2016).

Here you’ll have access to the 15 most lucrative, big money niches you should go after in 2016.

You’ll not only know what they are, but you’ll have my full analysis as to why you want to go after them.

The markets are wide open for this opportunity and I’m handing you the strategy on a silver platter.

Easy Video Payday

Discover the easiest passive income stream I’ve used to earn at least $5,000 a month, since 2012.

You’ll learn how to create FREE, Fast and Easy Videos with ease using tools you most likely already have because they came with your computer.

There are a total of 7 modules plus additional undisclosed bonuses (you’ll have to wait until you get inside this members area to see what other goodies you get that will help you make more money with less effort, faster and easier than you could without them).

High-Paying Private Affiliate Programs Training

We all like to get paid more WITHOUT having to work more, right? Well, in this bonus you’re gonna learn exactly how we find private affiliate programs that pay extremely well. The less affiliates that are part of a network, the more you can make 🙂

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It Would Be Stupid To
Leave This Offer Open Forever

This is one of those situations where if I left it open forever, I’d lose respect for myself. Once you download our software you’ll want to capitalize on them, immediately.

For those that WON’T be joining you in the members area… They’ll assume this is an old and outdated strategy that doesn’t work. In fact, if you don’t know what’s really going on behind the scenes, you wouldn’t have the slightest clue that anything was happening at all to get this traffic. I mean:

Just put Video Traffic Genie to work for you and you’ll NEVER be without traffic again! This window of availability to access VTG at a huge discount will only be available to you for 4 days.

Once the timer hits zero, I’m closing the doors and not sure if I’ll make it available again. More than likely, I’ll re-release this at some indefinite time in the future with more stuff, and at a higher price point. So,

then take advantage of this exclusive offer right now.

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Here Is What Other People
Have Said About This Product

If it’s one thing I know, for certain, we can’t replace, it’s time, so I’m hopeful I didn’t waste yours.

Thank you, once again, for taking time out of your busy day to read through this message.

This is Paul Venables and Joshua Zamora Signing Out.

P.S. You know it’s always a good idea to follow your gut instinct. If your gut instinct is telling you this is a good idea, go ahead and listen to it. You know you’ve got nothing to lose by checking this out.

P.P.S. What if you don’t get involved? The truth of the matter is… Nothing.

There will be no difference in your life tomorrow than it is right now, today. You’ll still struggle to figure out how to get traffic to your offers and you’ll keep spinning your wheels going nowhere like you’ve been doing all along.

This is not meant to slight you, but considering that you have absolutely no risk by getting involved...isn’t it an obvious statement?

You’ll kick yourself if you don’t learn this strategy because you’ll be among those that would rather stay struggling.

Stop struggling. Start succeeding, already.

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Copyright 2015 - Video Traffic Genie - All Rights Reserved