Want To Get More Traffic And Sales From Your Niche Marketing Campaigns?

Exclusive Army of Over 3,100 members
Are Ready To Share, Like And Syndicate YOUR Content
ALL Over The Web, So You Can Rank And Profit
in 48 hours or LESS! 

WITHOUT having to download any complicated software, deal with lost license keys and without needing any previous experience or technical knowledge.

Watch The Video To Learn How


Total Shares Completed By SyndBuddy Members


(share count automatically updated Every 10 minutes)

  • Gets you REAL views, social shares and social signals to your sites and videos almost immediately
  • Rank your sites and videos at the top of Google in DAYS.
  • Get more FREE, buyer traffic, forever, effortlessly.
  • Enjoy extra sales, subscribers and fans with your page 1 rankings
create my account

# of Users Ready To Share Your Content


(REAL people located ALL over the WORLD)

Are You Going To Miss Out On
Leveraging This Powerful Social Exchange Network?

Welcome My Friend!

Joshua Zamora here and first off I want to welcome you to this page.

If you’re on this page, then you’re looking for a way to FINALLY get the rankings, traffic, sales and leads that you deserve, right?

If not, then I suggest you close this page now. 🙂

My promise to you on this page is to show you EXACTLY how to get your sites and videos ranked on page 1 of Google by leveraging our NEW social exchange web-app to get REAL social shares, bookmarks, social signals AND video views.

But at the same time, I’m NOT going to waste ANY of your time. I’m not going to bore you with some LONG, useless sales letter story.

We’re all busy, right? And I want to respect your time.

So Let’s Just Cut Right To The Chase, Deal?

If You Want To Get A Ton Of Page 1 Rankings Like This:

And Be Able To Turn Those Rankings Into Profit Like This:

If you’d like to know EXACTLY how to get results like THAT, then you’ll want to pay VERY close attention to this page. Because on this page, I have something VERY special to share with you.

I Have A Very Quick Lesson To Share With You..

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years of marketing online, it’s that websites and videos without traffic mean NOTHING!

And websites and videos without social interaction get nowhere when it comes to getting FREE, targeted traffic from Google...

You can have the MOST beautiful site in ALL the Internet.

And you can have the MOST beautiful and perfectly animated videos, with the perfect sales message and amazing graphics..

However, if these web properties aren’t being SEEN by people that are going to pull out their credit cards and BUY something the…

…They’re Absolutely Useless, Right?

And no fancy page builder, video editor or video creation software can change that.

So we worked overtime to develop, perfect, and deliver the key thing that was
missing from 99% of peoples’ website and video marketing...

Rankings - Free Traffic And Profit

That's What

Is Beautifully Built To Do

We’ve built a VERY powerful web-app that allows you to get as much
page 1 rankings and FREE traffic, as you’d like!

Watch The Case Study Demo Video To See
Just How Powerful SyndBuddy Is

Rank Your Content On Page 1 Fast

By Leveraging SyndBuddy’s Army Of Real People Ready To Share,
Like And Bookmark Your Content All Over The Web!

Automatic credit-based system

We’ve built SyndBuddy on a powerful, credit-based system. This allows you to get real views from real people – which is the key to ranking on YouTube and Google. When you get real views from different locations around the world and from different IP addresses, Google takes notice, and your rankings increase!

Real Google +1s

Because +1s are essential to get organic traffic from Google and YouTube, we’ve built this right into SyndBuddy’s platform. This gives you the ability to LEGALLY use Google’s own social network against them to claim ALL the page 1 rankings you’d like.

Real Twitter Tweets

Sharing is key to ranking and organic growth. And we’ve all heard about the POWER of Twitter when it comes to getting social syndication and backlinks. Now you can get tons of REAL Tweets from an ARMY of people, which will affect your social presence immediately…and I think you guessed it….your rankings increase!

Real Facebook “Likes” and Shares

Most people don’t know about Google’s social algorithm. It places a lot of weight on social media shares when it comes to rankings. When YOU get hundreds of these shares quickly, you’ll get hordes of views with more ease than you ever imagined.

Real Social Bookmarks

Social Bookmarks is one of the most powerful types of syndication you can employ in your rankings campaigns. Bookmarking your own site on your own account is already powerful enough. But when you have an ARMY of people bookmarking your URL’s on their accounts as well, that just puts your campaigns on Steroids. You’ll be getting bookmarks from Authority sites like Diigo, Plurk, KiwiBox, Medium, SkyRock and many many more.

Real Web 2.0 Syndication

If getting ALL of the above mentioned social interaction on your URL’s hasn’t excited you enough, we still have MORE! You’ll also be able to get an ARMY of people posting your content and linking to your sites from ALL the top Web 2.0 sites like WordPress.com, Tumblr, Blogger, Instapaper, Joomla, AND many, many more. It’s like having access to a POWERFUL Web 2.0 private blog network!

Real Video Views

SyndBuddy also comes built-in with some POWERFUL video boosting features. You’ll be able to get REAL views to your videos from people ALL over the world, logged in to MULTIPLE different accounts, ALL on different IP addresses. You’ll have an ARMY of people just waiting to watch your videos and give them the boost they need.

Universal Access

With SyndBuddy’s web-based portal, you don’t need to download anything, and you don’t need any special equipment. Just login on any Internet device with your user ID and prepare for your websites and videos to get massive social interaction and shares.

Step-By-Step Training

Get full training on how to use SyndBuddy’s simple dashboard – even an 8 year old can run it. Training comes in step-by-step video form.

World Class Customer Support

We have a support team dedicated to answering your questions and helping you use SyndBuddy to its fullest potential. Just e-mail at any time and you’ll get a fast, thoughtful response dedicated to you.

Limited Time: No Monthly Fees

Grab your SyndBuddy license right now – during the grand opening period – and pay NO monthly fees. Right now, one low investment gets you unrestricted access and you’ll be able to earn an unlimited about of credits. After the grand opening expires, monthly pricing will come into effect.

Full Reporting of Your Campaigns

Not only will you be able to get a TON of shares, likes, bookmarks and syndication, we've also built-in a VERY powerful reporting system so you'll be able to see EXACTLY the kind of social signals you're getting AND for social shares, you'll be able to see EXACT URL's of where your content is being posted.

And These Simple Powers Are
Responsible For Incredible Results

We’ve Already Got Hundreds Of Users Inside Of SyndBuddy

Ready To Watch, Share, Bookmark And Syndicate Your
Videos And Websites All Over The Internet!

They’re so hungry to help get more traffic and sales to your websites and videos, that they’ve ALREADY performed over 5,000 Social Exchange interactions in just 4 short weeks and they’re waiting for MORE content to be added.

Imagine how much more traffic and sales you’ll be getting to your websites and videos when you have that kind of firepower in your arsenal…

…when you have hundreds of people BEGGING to send hoards of FREE, targeted traffic to your content…

And The Beauty Of SyndBuddy, Is That You Can Add Any Kind Of Content To The Network To Be Syndicated

It Doesn’t Matter If You Have:

It doesn’t matter.

The SyndBuddy Army Is Ready To Share And Syndicate Any Kind Of Website Or Video You Add To The Network!

But at this point you may be wondering, “How does it all work?

Why A Credit Based System Works Best

SyndBuddy works on a credit-based system. That means you either purchase or earn credits by watching, sharing, bookmarking and liking other people’s content (let me tell you – you discover a ton of amazing stuff and build great relationships this way).

And you use your credits to get your own views, shares, bookmarks and likes from real people.

It’s truly built on the BUDDY system. You scratch my back and I scratch yours.

This is – bar none – the best way to drive the type of traffic you ultimately want to your websites and videos.

Because there are NO shady “paid views” or shady “backlinking techniques” or any other “blackhat strategies” that either fail miserably or get your video or websites stripped off of YouTube/Google.

This is a system based on REAL people syndicating and socially interacting with each other’s content, which is 100% natural and which is Why Google EATS.IT.UP!

We make sure the views are real by forcing the SyndBuddy army to perform the specified syndication to completion or they won’t receive their credits!

And there is NO begging your friends and family to go share, watch and like your content either.

And, most importantly, there is no wasting time and effort on creating a website or video that never gets seen.

Instead of suffering through any of these things

You’ll Get An Army Of People Syndicating Your Content In 3 Brain-Dead Easy Steps

Step 01

Login to SyndBuddy.

Step 02

Decide what kind of social interaction you want for your content. Tip: It’s best to mix up real views, shares, and bookmarks.

Step 03

Click, “Go,” and the social interactions you need will quickly start coming your way.

Then Just Watch As All Of This Amazing And Real Social Activity Sends Your Content Skyrocketing To Page 1 Of Google

And The SyndBuddy Credit System Is Easy And Effective:

1 Credit

1 real view from another SyndBuddy member (you decide how long they must watch)

2 Credits

1 Facebook “Like” from another SyndBuddy member

2 Credits

1 Google +1 from another SyndBuddy member

3 Credits

1 Facebook “Share” from another SyndBuddy member

And our charter members prove that our community is different. We truly uplift each other – and we invite you to join us and be uplifted, too.

THAT’S why our current users have already performed over 5,000 social interactions! The system we’ve set up FLAT.OUT.WORKS!

Now remember, while these views from people inside the community are great, the true purpose of them is to get you ranked at the top of Google and YouTube quickly.

So that your sites and videos get virtually instant organic, targeted traffic from fresh people by the potential thousands.

So if your next niche site, client site or YouTube video had an ARMY of people posting, bookmarking, sharing, and “liking” it  would it help your business?

The Answer To All Of These Questions Is: YES
That’s what SyndBuddy does best...

Bring you these views in a way that
requires virtually no work or effort on your part.

And during the grand opening of SyndBuddy, you’ll access unlimited, unrestricted access
to the software for one low, risk-free investment.

Summer Sale Special

Join The SyndBuddy Community Now

Completely Risk-Free

We want you to take all of those niche sites, client sites and videos you have sitting on online somewhere, or hidden in the depths of YouTube, and get them the TRAFFIC they need to help your business grow.

That’s why we only ask you to make us PROVE everything we say SyndBuddy can do for you.

Join us inside right now and face no risk at all.

If you’re not completely thrilled with SyndBuddy – if you only get 5 videos to the top of Google this week, and you wanted to get 6 –

Or if you’re not satisfied for any other reason, you’ll simply click your mouse and receive an immediate, full refund of the investment you’re going to make today.

That means…

The Only Risk You Face Is Missing Out On SyndBuddy…

And kissing the thousands of easy social shares that can result in
sales, new clients, and new subscribers goodbye.

Don’t risk that. Don’t let your websites and videos go stale and die. Don’t bother putting in effort and energy into new niche sites and videos that will never get all the views and social traction they deserve.

Give SyndBuddy a try instead - and prepare to be very impressed and happy.

But Wait! We’re not done, yet!

Today, You’re Also Getting These Awesome Bonuses!

Bonus 01

LIVE QnA Training Session ($497 Value)

We always find that one of the hardest things people struggle with when getting started with a new software is a “quick start” guide. Even though we have in depth tutorials inside the members area, we want to give you an open platform where you can get your questions answered.

That’s what we’ll be doing on this QnA call.

Bonus 02

15 Niches PDF ($37 Value)

How about we do the research for you?

In this bonus you’ll be getting 15 done-for-you niches that you can start targeting TODAY, to start getting results ASAP with SyndBuddy.

These are all high-quality niches with products that are blazing HOT right now.

Bonus 03

$400k Per Month Strategy Call Replay ($497 Value)

How would you like to learn proven strategies from a man pulling in $400k per month with his SEO and consulting business?

This is one of the most powerful strategy calls I’ve ever done. I jumped on a call with a good friend of mine who’s CRUSHING it with his business right now, to the tune of $400k per month!

Think you can learn a thing or two from a man like that?

Bonus 04

Zamurai Video Bootcamp ($197 Value)

This is a powerful 4-week bootcamp that I held with a small group of people where I showed them EXACTLY how to rank videos on page 1 of Google FAST!

I shared absolutely everything, from research to video creation to ranking! Each person paid $197 to attend these sessions. You get it as a free bonus as a member of SyndBuddy.

Here’s What You Should Do Now

Click the button below that corresponds to the package you want.

We recommend the Fully Loaded Package because it gets you the most credits out of the gate. This could result in page one rankings in MINUTES from now with no work at all on your part.

Whichever package you want – it’s important to act right now, while monthly fees are waived. Come back to this page after the countdown hits zero, and you’ll have to invest monthly in SyndBuddy membership.

So it makes the most sense to try it right now, where you can lock in unrestricted access for one small investment.

We can’t wait to see you inside, and we can’t wait to help you achieve your dreams.

Summer-Time Special

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does This Work On Mac And PC?

A. Yes, This is a web-based app, so as long as you have a web browser and internet connection, you can use SyndBuddy regardless of your type of computer.

Is This a One-Time price or Monthly?

A. For the packages above, you're paying a one-time for the amount of credits of the package you choose. You also have the ability to earn more credits by performing the social actions on other members content.

Do I need Proxies or Captchas?

A. No, we pride ourselves on building software tools that deliver results without having to use any additional proxies or captchas.

Are there any additional costs after I purchase SyndBuddy?

Absolutely not. Unless you want to purchase more credits, there are no other costs associated with SyndBuddy. Plus all the sites we integrate with are free to register with.

Do my credits expire?

Yes and no. We want a community of active users with people adding content to the network. So if you're adding content, you're safe. If you're not adding content (or have no active content to be shared) and are just hoarding credits, your credits will expire after 45 days.

How many sites is SyndBuddy Integrated With?

We have over 30+ sites that are able to be used inside SyndBuddy. This includes all the major ones like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, WordPress.com, WordPress.org, Blogger, LiveJournal, LinkedIn, Plurk, Skyrock, and any many more..

What are the upsells?

OTO 1 is the ability to lock in the discounted rate of the credits you're getting on this page for only $1 and then renewed at the discounted rate in 30 days. We'll be selling credits a double the price inside the members area or you can also earn your credits so this is optional, but recommended if you prefer to fast track your campaigns.

OTO 2 is the Bigger brother of SyndBuddy, which is SyndLab. SyndBuddy was built off of the platform that SyndLab was built on. SyndLab allows you to share your content on your OWN networks and SyndBuddy allows you to leverage the exchange to get shares from OTHER people's accounts. It's the BEST Social Syndiation combination. AND they're both already integrated together. It'll be $37 quarterly or $34.95 per month for our agency license.

OTO 3 is the ability to get results with SyndBuddy in 48 hours of less with our X Ranker 360 product. X Ranker 360 allows you to quickly create video marketing campaigns that you can instantly start submitting to SyndBuddy. The faster you have content to be shared, the faster you can get results. And if you pick up OTO 2, SyndLab is seamlessly integrated with X Ranker. This will be $47/qter or $42/month.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes, absolutely. We are extremely confident in what we’ve created. So confident that you’ll be able to use SyndBuddy for a full 30-days and if within those 30 days you feel SyndBuddy is not for you, then just shoot us an email and we’ll give you a full refund.

Does SyndBuddy work for local marketing?

Yes, absolutely. We’ve built SyndBuddy to work for ANYTHING you’re looking to do online. Local, Affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, eCommerce, pretty much anything that you need targeted traffic for.

Can I use SyndBuddy For My Clients Campaigns?

Yes, with our 2k credits plan, you can use it for your clients campaigns as well.

 Can I Submit Videos And Websites?

Yes, you can use Syndbuddy to get real social signals to ANY url that you want. Video, website, your clients website, your clients videos, ecommerce store, FB Fan Page URL, anything!

Copyright © 2017 SyndBuddy. All Rights Reserved.