NOW Open For Private Promotion
Book A SyndBuddy Private Sale For The #1, Web-Based Social Exchange Software, with Over 1,000,000 shares in under 12 months!
Total Shares Completed By SyndBuddy Members
(share count automatically updated Every 10 minutes)
- Unique, High-Quality Web-App
- Strong recurring commissions in the funnel
- Powerful Case Study to back up the software
- Feature stacking on the front-end to ensure maximum earnings for affiliates
We value your privacy and would never spam you
# of Users Ready To Share Your Content
(REAL people located ALL over the WORLD)
Click Here to Get Your Affiliate Link
NOTE: You may not use any negative marketing to promote this program. You may not use the word scam in your promotion in any way, shape or form. You must comply with all our guidelines. Breach of this agreement may result in the forfeiture of your commissions.
What is SyndBuddy?
Watch the Case Study Demo Video Below
Simplify The Way You Rank Videos and Websites On Page 1 of Google

SyndBuddy is our brand new software that’s going to simplify the way your customers rank their sites and videos on page 1 of Google - regardless whether they’re in the offline or online niche.
SyndBuddy is a web-based tool that allows you to get REAL social shares and social signals to your YouTube Videos, niche sites, clients sites, ecommerce sites, ANY url you'd like. Users benefit from:
YouTube Views
Google +1's Shares
Facebook Likes
Facebook Shares
Social Bookmarks
Web 2.0 posts
Private Blog posts
and more!
We’ve already got hundreds of active users who have performed over 500 social shares in just the first 3 days of opening!
Your customers will be able to add their desired URL and start getting likes, shares, social bookmarks, video views, video likes, web 2.0s and TONS of other syndication from our SyndBuddy community almost instantly.
SyndBuddy is a credit-based software, but your customer will also be able to earn credits by participating in the syndication community.
You can expect this bad boy to convert amazingly well.
Sales Funnel & Commissions
Earn 50% Commissions Across the Entire Funnel!

Front End
The FE is going to be our main SyndBuddy software with 2 different versions with feature stacking to push the higher priced version.
OTO 1 is going to be our SyndBuddy subscription. SyndBuddy is a credit-based system so here your customers will be able to lock in their monthly credits at the launch price discount.
This is gonna convert like crazy at our recurring prices. We used this successfully on our last launch and built up over $50k/month in recurring commissions for our affiliates.
OTO 2 is going to be our SyndLab software. This is SyndBuddy's twin brother which allows your customers to also immediately share their content on their own network.
Using both of these together is the ULTIMATE combination. With SyndLab they can share on their own networks AND immediately send it to the SyndBuddy Network in just ONE click!
PLUS, SyndBuddy and SyndLab are already integrated with each other. So you can expect this to convert like crazy.
Normally sells for $497/year
Our OTO 3 will be our X Ranker 360 software. X Ranker 360 allows your customers to leverage the power of LIVE events to dominate the first page of Google. This will allow them to quickly create live event campaigns and immediately start syndicating it with SyndLab AND Syndbuddy.
Over $5,000 Up For Grabs

Summer-Sale Email Swipes
Use the Tools Below to Promote SyndBuddy
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
– and much much more..
This bad boy leaves Google BEGGING you to
put more videos up so they can shoot them
to the first page of Google.
Just imagine having an ARMY of people just
waiting to share, like and view your videos..
The best part is, that right now, you can
get access to SyndBuddy at a huge discount
during their summer sale!
=> Watch the full demo video here
Sign Off
P.S. ‘ExchangeSEO’ is the new player in town.
And doing it correctly with SyndBuddy is
your ticket to massive traffic for your
videos and websites.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
=> Check out the demo video here
SyndBuddy Summer Sale (rank FAST with social exchanges)
SyndBuddy is the #1 social exchange platform
online right now.
Since they opened up 8 months ago, their army
of 3100+ members have performed over 750,000
social exchanges for each others content!
This means that EVERY DAY, REAL people
from ALL over the world are sharing
each others content on REAL accounts
hosted on a TON of different IP addresses.
This is MUSIC to Google’s ears and all
that social activity skyrockets your content
to the first page.
And right now, you can get access to SyndBuddy
at a MASSIVE discount during their Summer Sale.
> check out the discount here
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
– and much much more..
This bad boy leaves Google BEGGING you to
put more videos up so they can shoot them
to the first page of Google.
Just imagine having an ARMY of people just
waiting to share, like and view your videos..
The best part is, that right now, you can
get access to SyndBuddy at a huge discount
during their summer sale!
=> Watch the full demo video here
Sign Off
P.S. ‘ExchangeSEO’ is the new player in town.
And doing it correctly with SyndBuddy is
your ticket to massive traffic for your
videos and websites.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
=> Check out the demo video here
Social Signals and Syndication on STEROIDS!!
We all know the POWER of syndicating
your videos and websites on social
platforms to get fast page 1 rankings, right?
But.. what if you can put that process on STEROIDS?
What if you can not only share your content
on your own profiles…
But also have access to an ARMY of over 3,100
members that are ALSO ready to share YOUR content
on THEIR profiles as well..
I’m talking about this army of 3,100 REAL people
– REAL social shares
– REAL social signals
– REAL social bookmarks
– REAL web 2.0 syndication
– and much much more..
And doing this for YOUR CONTENT!
Kinda sounds unbelievable, right?
Well, that’s EXACTLY what SyndBuddy is ALL about.
It’s the #1 social exchange platform on
the internet right now..
Their 3,100 members have performed over
750,000 social shares for each others
content in under 8 months (and growing
by the THOUSANDS daily)
And they’re READY to share YOUR content
as well!
PLUS, the best part is that they just REOPENED
for a VERY limited-time for their SUMMER SALE..
> check out the details here
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
– and much much more..
This bad boy leaves Google BEGGING you to
put more videos up so they can shoot them
to the first page of Google.
Just imagine having an ARMY of people just
waiting to share, like and view your videos..
The best part is, that right now, you can
get access to SyndBuddy at a huge discount
during their summer sale!
=> Watch the full demo video here
Sign Off
P.S. ‘ExchangeSEO’ is the new player in town.
And doing it correctly with SyndBuddy is
your ticket to massive traffic for your
videos and websites.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
=> Check out the demo video here
An army of 3,100 people are ready to RANK your content for you..
Yup, you read that right..
How would you like to leverage an ARMY
of over 3,100 people that are READY
and willing to share your content ALL
over THEIR web accounts so YOUR content
can rank on the first page of Google?
I’m talking about getting:
– REAL social shares
– REAL social signals
– REAL social bookmarks
– REAL web 2.0 syndication
– and much much more..
And I’m talking about getting ALL of
that social activity from REAL people..
Real people located ALL over the world
sharing your content on their REAL accounts
hosted on a TON of different IP Addresses…
Talk about awesome, right?
Well, that’s EXACTLY what SyndBuddy is
all about.
It’s the #1 social exchange platform on
the internet right now..
Their 3,100 members have performed over
750,000 social shares for each others
content in under 8 months (and growing
by the THOUSANDS daily)
And they’re READY to share YOUR content
as well!
> check out their summer sale now
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
– and much much more..
This bad boy leaves Google BEGGING you to
put more videos up so they can shoot them
to the first page of Google.
Just imagine having an ARMY of people just
waiting to share, like and view your videos..
The best part is, that right now, you can
get access to SyndBuddy at a huge discount
during their summer sale!
=> Watch the full demo video here
Sign Off
P.S. ‘ExchangeSEO’ is the new player in town.
And doing it correctly with SyndBuddy is
your ticket to massive traffic for your
videos and websites.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
=> Check out the demo video here
First-Time Promo Swipes
Use the Tools Below to Promote SyndBuddy
- Video SEO
- Social SEO
- Google Traffic
- Social Signals
- Video SEO 2
- Short Swipe
- TRUE Free Traffic
- Case Study
- Case study 2
Rank Your Videos on Page 1 in 48 hours or less with “ExchangeVSEO”…
NEW method: ‘ExchangeVSEO’ Ranks Your Videos in 48 hours or less…
How would you like to get page 1 rankings
for your videos in under 48 hours?
How much more traffic and sales would you
get if you had that kinda firepower in
your arsenal?
Well, today is your lucky day 🙂
A genius marketer, Josh, has just reopened
his powerful software that will allow you to
do just that.
Over the couple years, he’s been fine-tuning his
ExchangeVSEO strategy and has been getting amazing
The method of ‘ExchangeVSEO’ combines the power of
REAL social signals with the authority of YouTube
to shoot your videos to page 1 of Google.
The principle behind it is fairly simple.
1. You gather a group of people who are also using
video to get traffic.
2. You each agree to socially share, like and view
each other’s videos
He did this manually for MONTHS! And it worked
like crazy!!!
The only problem he faced was the ability to
scale this model to a bigger and more automated
Since the results from his manual testing was working
so well, he decided to create a platform that automated
this process.
That’s where his software, SyndBuddy comes in 🙂
SyndBuddy is his Web-Based, Social Exchange Platform
That Opens The Floodgates Of FREE, Targeted, Buyer-Traffic
To Your Videos AND websites In 3 Simple Steps…
But here’s where it gets REALLY exciting…
Over the last 8 months their army of over 3,100 users
have performed over 780,000 shares for each others
yup, 780,000 and growing by the THOUSANDS daily.
And today, you too can leverage this platform to
skyrocket your content to page 1 of Google.
=> Watch the full demo video here
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
– and much much more..
This bad boy leaves Google BEGGING you to
put more videos up so they can shoot them
to the first page of Google.
Just imagine having an ARMY of people just
waiting to share, like and view your videos..
The best part is, that right now, you can
get access to SyndBuddy at a huge discount
during their summer sale!
=> Watch the full demo video here
Sign Off
P.S. ‘ExchangeSEO’ is the new player in town.
And doing it correctly with SyndBuddy is
your ticket to massive traffic for your
videos and websites.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
=> Check out the demo video here
The NEW Way To Rank on Page 1 of Google
This NEW “Social SEO” strategy is CRUSHING page 1 of Google
They Discovered a NEW way to rank on Page 1 of Google
We all know that Google is still the
undisputed KING of delivering FREE
targeted traffic to your videos and
websites, right?
There is NO traffic source out there that
matches the quality that Google delivers.
Nothing can beat someone typing a keyword
into the search box and coming across your
video or websites that contains the information
they were looking for.
All the “gooroos” want you to believe that
SEO is “dead”…
However, one particular marketer has figured
out a NEW way to get page 1 rankings after page 1
rankings with their videos by giving Google EXACTLY
what they want.
He’s using the POWER of ‘Social SEO’ to get thousands
of FREE visitors every week.
And the best part is, he’s just reopened his
powerful software that automates the entire process.
8 months ago he created a Web-Based, Social
Exchange Platform That Opens The Floodgates Of FREE,
Targeted, Buyer-Traffic To Your Videos and websites
In 3 Simple Steps…
He called it SyndBuddy and it:
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
This bad boy leaves Google BEGGING you to
put more videos and websites up so they can
shoot them to the first page of Google.
Just imagine having an ARMY of people just
waiting to share, like and view your websites
and videos..
In fact, since the initial opening 8 months
ago, their army of 3,100 users have performed
over 780,000 shares for each others content.
yup, 780,000 and growing by the THOUSANDS daily.
The best part is, that right now, you can
get access to SyndBuddy at a huge discount
during their summer sale!
=> Watch the full demo video here
Sign Off
P.S. ‘ExchangeSEO’ is the new player in town.
And doing it correctly with SyndBuddy is
your ticket to massive traffic for your
videos and websites.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
=> Check out the demo video here
How To Get Massive FREE traffic From Google…
The FAST, New way to Get Free Traffic From Google
How would you like to get an unlimited amount
of FREE traffic from Google?
Google is still the BEST source for free, targeted
buyer traffic.
I don’t care what anyone says…
Nothing is better then someone going to Google,
typing in a keyword, and them landing on your
A genius marketer, Josh, has simplified the
process of getting traffic from Google to
your websites or videos.
He’s been using a brand new strategy which
combines the power of social signals and
‘social exchanges’
He’s also been able to automate the entire
process inside of an easy-to-use web-based
platform called SyndBuddy.
The secret behind it is having an army of REAL
users sharing, bookmarking and liking your content
giving it the social interaction it needs
to rank on page 1 of Google.
In fact, his SyndBuddy platform already has
an army of over 3,100 users that have performed
over 780,000 shares to each others content over
the last 8 months..
yup, 780,000 and growing by the THOUSANDS daily.
And they’ve just reopened their massive
SyndBuddy summer sale!
=> Watch the full demo video here
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
– and much much more
This is the NEW way to get targeted, buyer-traffic
from Google in 3 simple steps.
This bad boy leaves Google BEGGING you to
put more content up so they can shoot it
to the first page of Google.
Just imagine having an ARMY of people just
waiting to share, bookmark and like your content..
An army of over 3,100 users that have already
performed over 780,000 shares to be EXACT!
The best part is, that right now, you can
get access to SyndBuddy at a huge discount
during their summer sale.
=> Watch the full demo video here
Sign Off
P.S. If you want to get endless amounts of FREE
targeted traffic from Google, SyndBuddy is
your ticket.
and right now, you can get access at a HUGE discount
during their summer sale.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
=> Watch the demo video here
NEW Social Signals Software
NEW Social Exchange Platform
How would you like access to a private exchange
platform that gets you real social signals to your
websites and Videos?
These are not “Bots”, but rather real people who have
been using the ‘social exchange’ strategy for years to
dominate the search engines and get more traffic and
rankings to their content!
In fact, his this platform already has an army
of over 3,100 users that have performed over 780,000
shares to each others content over the last 8 months..
yup, 780,000 and growing by the THOUSANDS daily.
We’re talking REAL:
– REAL social signals
– REAL Facebook likes
– REAL Facebook shares
– REAL Google +1 shares
– REAL Twitter tweets
– REAL social bookmark syndications
– REAL web 2.0 syndications
– and much much more
These real social interactions tell ‘big G’ that your
content is relevant and important, which means you are
favored to get rushed to the 1st page!
If your content is on the first page already this is a
great way to make sure that it stays there!
Within minutes of signing up your content will be receiving
real bookmarks, likes, and shares…
Watch this quick demo by clicking the link below
But hurry, they’ve decided to open this up to the
public for a limited time (a few days)
Sign off
P.S. For years now, SEO marketers have been
preaching about the power of social signals
to your content.
And during all this time, it’s always been tough
to get REAL social signals to take advantage of
this strategy.
Until now.
SyndBuddy has automated and simplified the process
of getting REAL social signals to your content.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
> see how it works here
Subject: Did you know this about video seo?
NEW Video SEO strategy revealed..
Everyone talks about “backlinks” to get your videos
That is only part of the story Google is looking at. Big
G is also looking at the social signals…(views, shares, bookmarks)
to figure out relevance and importance of your video.
One guy has FINALLY been able to automate the process
with REAL users (not bots!)
In fact, his this platform already has an army
of over 3,100 users that have performed over 780,000
shares to each others content over the last 8 months..
yup, 780,000 and growing by the THOUSANDS daily.
(link) click here to watch this quick demo
Now you can enjoy real:
– REAL social signals
– REAL Facebook likes
– REAL Facebook shares
– REAL Google +1 shares
– REAL Twitter tweets
– REAL social bookmark syndications
– REAL web 2.0 syndications
– and much much more
From REAL people. This is pricessless traffic!
This Social Signals Exchange platform was started
as a PRIVATE platform for Josh and his customers
to have an unfair advantage over others..
However, for the next few days, he’s decided
to open up the exchange at a CRAZY discount.
But only for a limited time!
So hurry and check out this link below
Sign off
P.S. Social Exchange has been a VERY powerful
source of rankings and traffic for MANY people.
But unfortunately, it’s all been very disorganized
and one-sided.
However, for the first time ever, someone has
FINALLY been able to automate and simplify this
strategy under an easy-to-use dashboard.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
> see how it works here
Subject: Real ‘community syndication’, Social Bookmarks, and Social Shares?
NEW: An ARMY of people waiting to rank your content FOR YOU
ALERT: This ARMY of REAL people will share your content
If you aren’t aware, getting REAL social interactions
to your content is tremendous in your efforts to get
to the first page of the search engines.
The problem is there is no easy way to do so.
You can order dozens of fiverr gigs ($5 gigs) over and over again
waiting days for the traffic to come in…
Or try and starting YET another FB group or
Skype group to get people to share each others
content (this ALWAYS ends up crumbling)
or you can just use SyndBuddy:
SyndBuddy shortcuts your success by getting you:
– REAL social signals
– REAL Facebook likes
– REAL Facebook shares
– REAL Google +1 shares
– REAL Twitter tweets
– REAL social bookmark syndications
– REAL web 2.0 syndications
– and much much more
ALL from THOUSANDS of people from ALL
over the world, on A TON of different
IP addresses.
In fact, his this platform already has an army
of over 3,100 users that have performed over 780,000
shares to each others content over the last 8 months..
yup, 780,000 and growing by the THOUSANDS daily.
Talk about having Google DROOL over
all the social activity taken place
for you content and skyrocketing it to
You have to hurry though, because the
special summer-sale discount won’t be
up for long.
> see how it works here
Sign off
P.S. Social SEO Exchange is the NEW way
to rank on page 1 of Google.
You don’t have to worry about sketchy,
blackhat links..
Shady backlink builders..
None of that stuff.
Just REAL people, sharing YOUR content
on REAL social sites!
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
> see how it works here
Subject: Social Signals Exchange Platform does WHAT?
NEW social exchange platform opens to the public
Get REAL social shares, bookmarks, likes and MORE to your content..
A NEW social signals exchange platform has just
reopened up that allows you to get:
– REAL social signals
– REAL Facebook likes
– REAL Facebook shares
– REAL Google +1 shares
– REAL Twitter tweets
– REAL social bookmark syndications
– REAL web 2.0 syndications
– and much much more
To ANY video or content URL you’d like.
ALL from THOUSANDS of people from ALL
over the world, on A TON of different
IP addresses.
In fact, his this platform already has an army
of over 3,100 users that have performed over 780,000
shares to each others content over the last 8 months..
yup, 780,000 and growing by the THOUSANDS daily.
Why does this even matter though?
Well, getting ALL that REAL and JUICY
social activity to your content gives
Google EXACTLY what they want.
And when Google sees all that social
Activity happening on your content
it can’t help but skyrocket you to
first page rankings!
And first page rankings equate to
A TON of free traffic and a TON of
profit 🙂
See how it works here
Sign off
P.S. you have to hurry though because
they can’t possibly keep this crazy
discount open forever.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
> see how it works here
PROVEN Way to TRULY get FREE traffic
the ONLY proven way to get FREE traffic?
FREE traffic for YEARS to come
How would you like to TRULY be
able to get free traffic?
I’m talking about FREE traffic
that actually converts into sales
and continues to come in FOR YEARS..
See, there’s not many traffic sources
online that are TRULY free and LAST
for a LONG time..
Sure, you can try running a FREE Viral
campaign on FB OR YT, but that usually has
a few days of steam before dieing out..
Sure, you can try sharing your content
on FB, but let’s be honest, you first
need to have an audience to get enough
traffic to matter
Sure, you can try leveraging FB groups,
but you still need to have somewhat of
a following already to get people to
actually join your group and interact..
And then we have FREE search engine traffic.
See, the beauty of ranking your sites
or videos in the search engines is that:
1. It’s 1000x more targeted than social traffic
(people are coming to you not vice versa)
2. You do the work ONCE and the traffic
keeps on coming in for YEARS!!
And Google traffic has been around for decades.
Marketers have been leveraging it to get
traffic since it’s conception.
And TODAY a powerful web-app has reopened
that makes it WAYY easier to get your sites
and videos ranked on page 1 of search..
one particular marketer has figured out a NEW
way to get page 1 rankings after page 1 rankings
with their videos by giving Google EXACTLY what
it wants.
He’s using the POWER of ‘Social SEO’ to get thousands
of FREE visitors every week.
And the best part is, he’s created a private
platform that automates the entire process.
He’s created a Web-Based, Social Exchange
Platform That Opens The Floodgates Of FREE,
Targeted, Buyer-Traffic To Your Videos and websites
In 3 Simple Steps…
He’s called it SyndBuddy and it:
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
This bad boy leaves Google BEGGING you to
put more videos and websites up so they can
shoot them to the first page of Google.
Just imagine having an ARMY of people just
waiting to share, like and view your websites
and videos..
In fact, his this platform already has an army
of over 3,100 users that have performed over 780,000
shares to each others content over the last 8 months..
yup, 780,000 and growing by the THOUSANDS daily.
The best part is, that right now, you can access
to SyndBuddy at a huge discount.
=> Watch the full demo video here
sign off
P.S. Don’t let anyone fool you, SEO is one
of the VERY few ways to truly be able to get
FREE traffic for a VERY long time..
It’s why local businesses pay THOUSANDS per
month for agencies to rank their sites on page 1
It flat out works.
and SyndBuddy has simplified one of the MOST
important parts of SEO.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
> see how it works here
[Case Study] Page 1 Rankings In 48 Hours (proof inside)
[Proof] Page 1 Rankings in 48 hours (case study inside)
[Proof] New Method Results in Page 1 Rankings in 48 hours
Today I have something very cool to share with
A genius marketer has discovered a powerful NEW
way to get hoards of free traffic from Google by
ranking his videos on page 1.
In fact, he’s just put together a case study
video showing how he ranked not one, not two,
but THREE, brand new videos in just 48 hours..
In this video you’ll learn :
– How he found a high-converting product to
– How he used Google to do his KW research
for him
– How he easily found a competing product
and ranked for that too
– His brand new software that automated the
process of getting his videos on page 1 in
48 hours..
This is a case study video worth watching.
You’ll be able to take what you learn and
make some nice commissions 🙂
=> Watch the free case study video here
sign off
P.S. Inside of the case study you’re gonna
see their powerful software called SyndBuddy.
SyndBuddy is the backbone to this case study.
It’s the result of over a year of testing and
tweaking a new strategy that they like to refer
to as Social Video SEO.
The principle behind it is fairly simple.
1. You gather a group of people who are also using
video to get traffic.
2. You each agree to syndication, share, like
and bookmark each other’s content
They did this manually for MONTHS! And it worked
like crazy!!!
The only problem they faced was the ability to
scale this model to a bigger and more automated
Since the results from the manual testing was working
so well, they decided to create a platform that automated
this process.
That’s where their software, SyndBuddy comes in 🙂
and Today, you’ll be able to get access to SyndBuddy
at an amazing, summer-sale discount.
It’s the #1 social exchange platform on
the internet right now..
Their 3,100 members have performed over
750,000 social shares for each others
content in under 8 months (and growing
by the THOUSANDS daily)
And they’re READY to share YOUR content
as well!
Head over and watch the case study here <=
Case study: 3 Videos Ranked in 48 hours
Case Study: He ranked 3 videos in 48 hours with this
[Proof] How he ranked 3 videos in 48 hours
A brand new case study has just been published
online about how one marketer was able to get
not one, not two, but THREE videos ranked on
page 1 in just 48 hours..
And he was able to achieve these results with
a powerful NEW strategy he’s calling “ExchangeSEO”
Short on time? > see the case study here
In this video you’ll learn :
– How he found a high-converting product to
– How he used Google to do his KW research
for him
– How he easily found a competing product
and ranked for that too
– His brand new software that automated the
process of getting his videos on page 1 in
48 hours..
This is a case study video worth watching.
You’ll be able to take what you learn and
make some nice commissions 🙂
=> Watch the free case study video here
The method of ‘ExchangeVSEO’ combines the power of
REAL social signals with the authority of YouTube
to shoot your videos to page 1 of Google.
The principle behind it is fairly simple.
1. You gather a group of people who are also using
video to get traffic.
2. You each agree to socially share, like and view
each other’s videos
He did this manually for MONTHS! And it worked
like crazy!!!
The only problem he faced was the ability to
scale this model to a bigger and more automated
Since the results from his manual testing was working
so well, he decided to create a platform that automated
this process.
That’s where his software, SyndBuddy comes in 🙂
SyndBuddy is a powerful Web-Based, Social Exchange Platform
That Opens The Floodgates Of FREE, Targeted, Buyer-Traffic
To Your Videos AND websites In 3 Simple Steps…
It’s the #1 social exchange platform on
the internet right now..
Their 3,100 members have performed over
750,000 social shares for each others
content in under 8 months (and growing
by the THOUSANDS daily)
And they’re READY to share YOUR content
as well!
=> Watch the free case study video here
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
– and much much more..
This bad boy leaves Google BEGGING you to
put more videos up so they can shoot them
to the first page of Google.
Just imagine having an ARMY of people just
waiting to share, like and view your videos..
The best part is, that right now, you can
get access to SyndBuddy at a huge discount
during their summer sale.
=> Watch the free case study video here
Sign Off
P.S. ‘ExchangeSEO’ is the new player in town.
And doing it correctly with SyndBuddy is
your ticket to massive traffic for your
videos and websites.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
=> Check out the demo video here
Closing Sequence
[12 Hours Left] Automate Your Page 1 Rankings…
I wanted to send you a quick reminder that
the Charter Members discount for SyndBuddy
will be GONE forever at midnight EST tonight.
That means you have less than 12 hours to
secure your discount.
SyndBuddy is the software I’ve been telling
you about that automates your page 1 Rankings
by leveraging REAL social signals for your
websites AND videos.
It’s the #1 social exchange platform on
the internet right now..
Their 3,100 members have performed over
750,000 social shares for each others
content in under 8 months (and growing
by the THOUSANDS daily)
If you prefer to start your own ‘private group’
and do this manually, you certainly can..
Or if you prefer to order a ton of RISKY and
FAKE social signals from Fiverr, you can do
that too…
Or, if you prefer the BETTER, more Automated
and MORE organized way to leverage REAL social
signals to rank FAST, then SyndBuddy is your
But, you have to make sure you create your
account before the clock strikes “0”
Because once it does:
1. The summer sale discount will expire
2. you’ll miss out on ALL the amazing bonuses
You have less then 12 hours left
=> Secure your account here
sign off
P.S. In case you’ve been hiding under a rock
this past week, you’ve seen me talking about
In case you did miss it, SyndBuddy:
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
To ANY video or URL you’d like.
ALL from THOUSANDS of people from ALL
over the world, on A TON of different
IP addresses.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
Make sure you don’t miss out…
It’s Gone in 6 hours
Gone FOREVER in 6 hours
In case you’ve been hiding under a rock
this past week, you’ve seen me talking about
SyndBuddy is the NEW Web-Based, Social Exchange Platform
That Opens The Floodgates Of FREE, Targeted, Buyer-Traffic
To Your Videos AND websites In 3 Simple Steps…
It’s the #1 social exchange platform on
the internet right now..
Their 3,100 members have performed over
750,000 social shares for each others
content in under 8 months (and growing
by the THOUSANDS daily)
In case you did miss it, SyndBuddy:
– Gets you REAL views from REAL people from
different locations around the world on different
IP addresses. (this supercharges your rankings
like CRAZY)
– Gets you REAL Google +1 shares to your videos
and websites (imagine using Google’s own platform
against them to get FAST rankings)
– Gets you REAL Facebook “Likes” and Shares
to your websites and videos leaving Google
salivating over the social power you’re getting!
– Gets you REAL Twitter tweets to your content
from hundreds of different profiles which
equates to a TON of powerful social backlinks
– Gets you REAL social bookmark syndications
from high-quality sites. Bookmarks are one of
the MOST powerful syndication strategies you
can use
– Gets you REAL web 2.0 syndications. Imagine
having hundreds of people posting on web 2.0
sites for you. It’s like leveraging a HUGE
private web 2.0 blog network 🙂
To ANY video or URL you’d like.
ALL from HUNDREDS of people from ALL
over the world, on A TON of different
IP addresses.
This means a TON of social interaction on
your content
Which means Google DROOLING over your content
which means FAST page 1 rankings
which means a TON of FREE, targeted traffic
which means a TON of profit in your accounts 🙂
Talk about awesome, Right?
But you have to make sure you create your
account before the clock strikes “0”
Once it’s gone, it’s GONE!
You have 6 hours left!!
=> Create your account here
sign off
P.S. We already know that social signals
is a powerful way to get page 1 rankings.
With SyndBuddy you’ll be able to get both
YouTube AND Website social signals
allowing you to absolutely DOMINATE the
first page of Google.
But you need to act fast.
Once the offer expires, it’s GONE for
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
> secure your access here
FINAL CALL – 90 minutes left
LAST Chance – Only 90 minutes left
All righty…
This is it. Time is running out and
you’re cutting it REALLY close.
The summer-sale discount for SyndBuddy
is about to expire in the next 90 minutes.
At this point there’s not much else to say.
you either want to get FAST page 1 rankings
by leveraging the power of social exchanges
or you don’t..
you either want to have HUNDREDS of people
sharing, bookmarking, liking and syndicating
your content or you don’t
you either want to get a TON of free, targeted
traffic from Google or you don’t
you either want to start profiting BIG from
all that free traffic or you don’t
It’s really that simple and it’s time to
If you DO want all of the above, and you want
an automated way to accomplish that, SyndBuddy
is your ticket.
It’s the #1 social exchange platform on
the internet right now..
Their 3,100 members have performed over
750,000 social shares for each others
content in under 8 months (and growing
by the THOUSANDS daily)
And for the next 90 minutes, you can take
advantage of the summer-sale discount.
> secure your spot here (90 minutes left)
sign off
P.S. nothing else to say here.
Secure your spot, or miss out.
No exceptions.
Their army of 3,100 users are ready and
waiting to share your content NOW.
They’ve already performed over 780,000 shares!
Banners & eCovers
Click Here to Get Your Affiliate Link
NOTE: You may not use any negative marketing to promote this program. You may not use the word scam in your promotion in any way, shape or form. You must comply with all our guidelines. Breach of this agreement may result in the forfeiture of your commissions.
Meet The Guy Behind SyndBuddy

Affiliate Terms & Conditions:
You must agree to our affiliate agreement before promoting SyndBuddy.
In addition, you must not use the following promotional methods if approved for this affiliate program. Doing so may result in you being terminated from the affiliate program and forfeiting any outstanding commissions.
1. Sending Spam or using safe lists any kind.
2. Offering cash rebates to people who buy through your affiliate link.
3. Using negative words such as 'scam' in promotional campaign.
4. Please do not misrepresent our product/offer and follow any endorsement rules and regulations that are applicable both in the country where you are based and in the countries from which you are sending website traffic or advertising in.
5. Using cookie stuffing. If you do, you will not get paid any commissions.
Copyright © 2017 SyndBuddy. All Rights Reserved.